
Metcalfe's law states that the value of a communications network is proportional to the square of the number of its users. Remember that the number of HEX holders and HEX stakers are also themselves functions of time.

So, mathematically, we can say:

Value ~ c * (Users)^2

where c is some constant, and we can define the number of users as some function of time, such as:

Users = HEX holders over time: H(t)

Users = HEX stakers over time: S(t)

The following charts help visualize HEX adoption, and therefore, value, over time:

Adoption Since Launch

This first chart plots eHEX & pHEX holders & stakers over time. HEX users can use this data to create their own models of HEX's value as a network over time.

HEX Holders By Amount

This second chart shows the number of eHEX & pHEX holders & stakers, categorized by the amount of HEX they hold or stake, from under 1,000 HEX to over 100B HEX, in increments of 10x.

HEX Holders By USD Amount

This third chart shows the number of eHEX & pHEX holders & stakers, categorized by the amount of USD they hold or stake, from under $1,000 USD to over $100B USD, in increments of 10x.

New HEX Holders

This fourth chart plots the daily change of HEX holders over time, as well as a 30-day moving average of these data points.

New HEX Stakers

This fifth chart plots the daily change of HEX stakers over time, as well as a 30-day moving average of these data points.

Created byGerardo